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Greythorn Primary School

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Greythorn Primary School

Make every day count

Year 5/6

In Year 5 and 6, we have 3 classes: Yew class (Mr Sidery), Silver Birch (Miss Hud) and Sycamore (Mrs Cox and Mrs Rowe).


As a school, we follow a creative curriculum where we base our learning around an exciting and engaging termly enquiry. Our enquiry will be driven by one of our wider curriculum areas. The enquiry question changes every term. We strive to ensure there is a clear progression of skills and knowledge throughout all curriculum subjects.


We start off our day with registration time in classes. This time could include quiet reading, responding to marking, SPaG flashcards or handwriting practice.


We have a daily Maths lesson. Maths is taught in different groups to class groups: Mrs Cox and Mrs Rowe teach the mixed Y5/6 group, Mr Sidery teaches a Y5 group and Miss Hud teaches a Y6 group. In Maths, we follow the White Rose scheme of work. Our lessons provide children with the opportunity to reason, problem solve and practise basic fluency and arithmetic skills.


English lessons include SPaG practice (spelling, punctuation and grammar), reciprocal and guided reading sessions and writing sessions. In English, we cover a variety of genres such as poetry, newspaper reports, narratives, explanation and information texts, persuasion and balanced arguments. We use high quality texts to inspire and model the different language features. Throughout each writing unit, we look at the key features and good examples of the text type being studied, followed by practising of the features and then children apply these skills independently in a final piece of writing.


In the afternoons, children will have a variety of lessons; these include Geography, History, Science, RE, Art, DT, PE (including swimming), Learning for Life, Computing, Music and French. We also enjoy having a variety of assemblies and story time sessions throughout the week.


In Year 5/6, children are given many different opportunities: the life skills programme (alternate years), cycling proficiency sessions, Young Voices, Y5/6 production, being an ambassador for the school, enterprise and fundraising opportunities, school council, day trips and residential trips.


At home, you can support your child by encouraging them to read regularly and recording this in their reading records, helping children to practise their weekly spellings (all children will have a Spelling Shed log in they can use) and encouraging children to complete their maths and enquiry homework on time and to a good standard.


The teachers in Y5/6 are Mrs Cox, Miss Hud, Mrs Rowe and Mr Sidery.

Curriculum overview 2024-2025

Greythorn Primary School

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