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Greythorn Primary School

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Greythorn Primary School

Make every day count

Year 3/4

Welcome to the Year 3/4 class page


In Year 3 and 4 we follow the National Curriculum where we base our learning around an exciting and engaging termly enquiry.


A typical school day will include the following: handwriting, English, spelling, maths and in the afternoon we cover the wider curriculum such as; science, RE, history, geography, music, DT, art, music, computing, French, Learning for Life.


English: In English we cover a variety of genres such as poetry, narrative and recounts using high quality texts as starting points to model and inspire the different language features. A unit of work may last for three or four weeks. During a unit, we immerse the children in a text and analyse the key language features and text structures before planning and writing their own independent piece applying the features of the genre. 

Reading: Children will read and analyse a text using the skills of retrieval, inference, vocabulary and summarising. We follow the orbital reading scheme and have 3 reading sessions a week. Each session will focus on one of the skills mentioned previously. For example on a Tuesday we may focus on retrieval skills, on a Wednesday it may be vocabulary then on a Friday it might be inference and summarising. 

We will use a variety of texts to give the children coverage of a wide range of authors, text types and language. 


Spellings/ Handwriting/ EGPS: For spelling we are using the Spelling Shed scheme. This explores using different spelling patterns and applying them in different ways. We also do daily handwriting practise using the Nelson script.


Maths: In maths, we follow the White Rose scheme of work. The children will focus on the main areas of place value, multiplication and division, addition and subtraction, measurement, geometry and statistics. Daily activities include a 5 in 5 reactivate, whole class activities, independent work and lots of reasoning and problem solving. We also complete daily times tables practise.


Enquiry: Enquiry is taught through an engaging enquiry question; this changes every term. Our enquiry will be driven by one of our curriculum areas. For example; What can we learn about belief, power and culture in ancient civilisations? Is driven by history. At the end of the enquiry there will be an authentic outcome to motivate the children throughout to have something amazing to have achieved by the end. Each week there will be either a history or geography lesson that will explore this enquiry and the key knowledge that it covers.


Science: We have a weekly science lesson that includes aspects of investigation and theory to develop children’s scientific understanding. In Year 3/4 we learn about states of matter, animals including humans, forces and electricity, rocks, plants, light and sound.


At home, you can support your child by reading with them daily, practising their weekly spellings and times tables. We also provide a termly enquiry homework which allows the children to showcase some of their independent work from home.


The teachers in Year 3/4 are Mrs Wagstaff, Miss Myers and Mrs Wadsworth.

Greythorn Primary School

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