At Greythorn RE is taught as part of our PPA provision. Over a 3 week cycle each key stage will spend 2 hours engaging in discussion, dialogue and debate which enables them to make their reasoning clear and supports their development. Through this, we aim to promote the spiritual, moral, and cultural development of all pupils. RE starts from the pupils’ own life experiences and relating these to similar or different experiences of other people in the local community.
Using the Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus 2021-2026 children will explore and understand a range of religions. At Greythorn we will discover up to 6 different religions which will include visits to places of worship. Visitors to school are encouraged to give children the opportunity to listen and ask questions about another person’s experiences of living/celebrating through different faiths. We seek to provide a clearer idea of what religion is about, the importance that it plays in many people’s lives and how that faith is expressed in their daily lives and routines. Pupils will form their own opinions about religious beliefs and customs and they will develop an understanding and tolerance of people who hold a strong faith. Children enjoy learning about religion because it is taught in a stimulating and interesting way that arouses their curiosity and develops positive skills and attitudes. Greythorn is a vibrant community where diversity and equality are embraced and children love to learn. Every two years children enjoy our Cultural and Celebrations week where they experience our different religions.
In England and Wales parents have the statutory right under Section 71 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 to withdraw their children from RE lessons and acts of collective worship in school. As parents you are not obliged to give a reason for requesting the withdrawal. However, before exercising any right of withdrawal, we would recommend you discuss your concerns with the headteacher. Requests for withdrawals are made in writing.
Please see our Key Knowledge Progression Document: