What is FOGSA?
FOGSA (Friends of Greythorn School Association) is a registered charity run by a Committee of volunteer parents who work together to raise money which is spent on equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education experience and the school’s facilities. FOGSA is also about much more than simply fundraising. It exists to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal. It is fun too – just ask any of the Committee members or volunteer helpers. All parents and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available – every bit counts.
The FOGSA committee usually consists of four Officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary, plus a number of other committee members to make up the full committee.
How to Get Involved
The Committee meets on a regular basis with smaller working groups meeting as necessary when we are planning larger events. But everyone and anyone can help without being part of the committee and events organised by FOGSA wouldn’t be so successful without the valuable time and support provided by parents like you.
There are a number of ways that you can become involved:
1. You may wish to be part of the Committee – this does need you to be able to commit to attending 3-4 meetings a year and being an integral part of organising events. We have our Annual General Meeting in September at which the Committee for the year is elected. You can either come along to that to join the Committee or contact us at any time.
2. We always need volunteers to help during events to supervise children or man stalls, so you can always offer your time in that way.
3. Link your Amazon account to donate to Friends of Greythorn School Association.
FOGSA has joined Amazon Smile so that Amazon gives the school a donation of 0.5% of all of your net purchases! It comes at no cost to its customers but we need as many people as possible to choose Friends of Greythorn School Association as their chosen charity on their amazon account – and then every time they make a purchase, Amazon will donate.
How does AmazonSmile work?
When first visiting you are prompted to select ‘Friends of Greythorn School Association’ as your charitable organisation. Once selected it will remain your selected charity on your account! Amazon will then prompt you to remember to start your shop at so that the school receives donations. We are hoping that over time it will bring in lots of cash to school so please tell your friends and families!
Always remember to shop at
Get in touch right here!
Please contact the FOGSA Team directly by email – Volunteers are really appreciated, whether you’re interested in joining the committee or volunteering to help at a single event.