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Greythorn Primary School

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Greythorn Primary School

Make every day count

Our Curriculum

'Engaging hearts, equipping minds, opening doors'

Greythorn Curriculum Principles

Our curriculum aims to HELP children to dream big and make a difference to the World.

Our acronym HELP is based on our 4 principles:


H for Health (healthy body; healthy mind)

E for Equity (everybody different; everybody counts)

L for Learn (believe and achieve)

P for Protect (working together to protect our World)


Our 4 principles underpin everything we do in Greythorn. 

Our curriculum takes into account every aspect of the National Curriculum, the Early Year Statutory Framework and the locally agreed RE syllabus. 

How is the Curriculum adapted to meet specific needs?

Greythorn Primary School is committed to meeting the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. Our curriculum aims to provide all pupils with the very best education and support, in order to meet specific needs. It aims to build on each individual’s knowledge, understanding and skills and inspire a passion for learning and a commitment to moving children forward ready for their next stages in learning and preparation for adulthood.


Some curriculum enhancements might include:

Planning which is based on individual children’s prior learning and achievement

Access to additional resources to help ‘make sense’ of learning e.g. concrete resources in maths

Ensuring that our children know what to do if stuck and are confident to ask for support

Proactive use of working walls and clearly accessible resources to aid independent learning

‘Kagan’ learning to support cooperative learning with their peers

Purposeful and appropriate teacher talk, e.g. instructions provided to individuals at a clear and appropriate level and by appropriate means

The use of visuals to support communication

Access to additional, specific ‘enhancement’ support with teacher and support assistants (e.g. Read Write Inc Catch Up, ELSA support, Speech and Language Care Plans, Occupational Therapy / Physio Care Plans)

Access to IT and technology

Assessment procedures that emphasise individual strengths, achievements and those which help to identify specific areas of need.

The Flying High Curriculum

Our FHP curriculum, underpinned by current research and the National Curriculum, ensures our children will be well-rounded individuals who are prepared for the next stage of their journey. It will promote the demonstration of compassion, mutual understanding, integrity and a pursuit of excellence in order for our children to reach their potential and make a positive contribution to the wider world. Our enquiry-based approach takes children on a journey of memorable learning through rich and purposeful experiences, culminating in authentic outcomes which leave a legacy. 


Fluency in the core subjects, with reading at the heart, enables access to the full curriculum and is therefore integral to our approach. The curriculum is carefully designed through enquiry drivers (for example: History, Geography and Arts), enhancers and discrete subjects, ensuring coverage, progression and retention of knowledge and skills.  Our knowledge-rich curriculum is underpinned by key concepts. Children explore concepts throughout the curriculum, revisiting them in a wide range of contexts and through the lens of different subjects.  This promotes a deep understanding of the concepts and enables the transfer of knowledge to the long-term memory.  It aims to provide inclusive and aspirational environments where learners thrive and build the cultural-capital they need to make aspirational choices about their own future, overcoming any barriers. In order to achieve this our curriculum is underpinned by the following principles:

  • Relevant and current 

  • Empowers children 

  • Promotes character and heart 

  • Memorable learning 

  • Provides opportunities 


Our trust mission is to create the best schools in the universe and as part of this we celebrate the unique nature of each school. Our ethos of adopt, adapt and fly recognises the importance of a curriculum to meet the needs of each community.  The implementation of the FHP core elements and principles provides all children with the knowledge and skills they are entitled to learn. We aim to make every day count!

Our Model

Want to know more?

If you would like to find out more about our curriculum and what is taught in each year group, please look at our subject pages and Phase Group pages or contact the school office and we will be pleased to share more information with you.

Greythorn Primary School

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